The API integration of Track NPS was created with the purpose of that information had to be certified to be accessed. Details:
  • A TOKEN is generated through our platform, or a request. In this way, we automate the whole process and also homologate access to information.
  • The API includes all functions into a single API with various methods.
  • The API works with RESTful model with JSON.

In this documentation you will also find examples of codes in the language of your choice, which can be changed at any time on the top right button.

This API uses the HTTPS protocol. Therefore, all calls must start with https://.

The API has a security lock that limits the number of request to 1000 within a five-minute interval.

If more than 1000 request are made within this interval, an error with status 405 will be returned with a CAPTCHA validation that must be resolved to continue sending requests.

Using the API requires the use of a key that we call TOKEN. It will be responsible for authenticating access to the system.

  1. For this, do the login in Tracksale with an administrator account.
  2. Access the menu Apps in the upper right corner next to the user name.

  3. Click Install in app

    "API V2".
  4. Clicking on NEW TOKEN.

  5. A new token will be generated.

  6. A new TOKEN will be generated and added to the list. New additions do not disable previous ones.

Each endpoint has a specific URL, check individually.

We will use TOKEN that we get in the header (without the need for conversion to base64), to authenticate access. As follows:

  • Key Authorization
  • Value bearer TOKEN


  • Authorization is the word Authorization
  • bearer is the word bearer and TOKEN is the TOKEN acquired here.

Campaign List

To list the campaigns we will use the following configuration:

  • The method used will be: GET
  • The URL used will be:

This method is responsible for listing ALL the campaigns, their codes and some details, such as the questions used.

It is possible to return only a specific campaign, it is possible using:

  • URL:

Where Campaign_code is the code from the campaign you want to get information about.

To get the code for a specific campaign, you should first list all campaigns and get the "code" attribute of the return.

Make sure to use start and end parameters on YYYY-MM-DD format to receive answer data like number of passives, promoters, detractors and so on.

Return example:

    "code" : Campaign_code,
    "description" : Campaign_description,
    "detractors" : Detractors_name,
    "passives" : Neutrals_name,
    "promoters" : Promoters_name,
    "dispatches" : Dispatches_number,
    "comments" : Comments,
    "answers" : Answers,
    "main_channel" : "Main_channel",
    "create_time" : "Time_of_creation",
    "questions" : [
            "id" : "Question_id",
            "type" : "Question_type",
            "title" : "Question_title",
            "question" : "Question",
            "secondary" : "Secondary_question"

It is also possible to add to query result the dispatch limitations. To do this, use the query parameter dispatch_limits with value 1.

If the campaign does not use this feature, the returned values will be null.

Return example:

Return example:

    "code" : Campaign_code,
    "description" : Campaign_description,
    "detractors" : Detractors_name,
    "passives" : Neutrals_name,
    "promoters" : Promoters_name,
    "dispatches" : Dispatches_number,
    "comments" : Comments,
    "answers" : Answers,
    "main_channel" : "Main_channel",
    "create_time" : "Time_of_creation",
    "questions" : [
            "id" : "Question_id",
            "type" : "Question_type",
            "title" : "Question_title",
            "question" : "Question",
            "secondary" : "Secondary_question"
    "dispatch_limits": {
        "daily": {
            "limit": null,
            "remaining": null
        "weekly": {
            "limit": null,
            "remaining": null
        "monthly": {
            "limit": null,
            "remaining": null

To segment the number of responses and dispatches per channel, use the query parameter count_by_channel with value 1. Using this parameter adds the dispatches_by_channel and answers_by_channel fields to the endpoint response.

If there are no dispatches or responses for the campaign, the value of the fields will be null.

Return example:

    "code" : Campaign_code,
    "description" : Campaign_description,
    "detractors" : Detractors_name,
    "passives" : Neutrals_name,
    "promoters" : Promoters_name,
    "dispatches" : Dispatches_number,
    "comments" : Comments,
    "answers" : Answers,
    "main_channel" : "Main_channel",
    "create_time" : "Time_of_creation",
    "questions" : [
            "id" : "Question_id",
            "type" : "Question_type",
            "title" : "Question_title",
            "question" : "Question",
            "secondary" : "Secondary_question"
    "dispatches_by_channel": {
        "email": 100,
        "sms": 100,
        "whatsapp": 100
    "answers_by_channel": {
        "email": 10,
        "sms": 10,
        "whatsapp": 10,
        "phone": 10,
        "presential": 10,
        "tablet": 10,
        "hotspot": 10,
        "widget-modal": 10,
        "widget-box": 10,
        "widget-iframe": 10,
        "widget-bar": 10,
        "api": 10,
        "encantometer": 10,
        "hotsite": 10,
        "sdk-android": 10,
        "sdk-ios": 10

Code samples: Campaigns list

Type cURL

                        curl -X GET \ \
-H 'authorization: bearer TOKEN' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache'

Get Widget

It is possible to fetch for created widget such as the number of times it was opened, opening limits, its identifier and name.
  • The method used will be : GET
  • The URL used will be :{key}

Where {key} is the key attribute that can be found when customizing a Widget.

Return example:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Widget",
    "views": {
        "daily": 2,
        "weekly": 0,
        "monthly": 0,
    "limits": {
        "daily": 2,
        "weekly": 0,
        "monthly": 0,
        "has_limit": false,
        "limit_reached": "daily"

Check 90 days rule

It is possible to check if a customer is being impacted by the 90 days rule.
  • The method used will be : POST
  • The URL used will be :
  • The JSON can use email, phone or an unique customer identification used by your organization:

Request example:

    "email": "Customer Email",
    // or
    "phone": "Customer Phone",
    // or
    "identification": "Customer Identification"

Where Campaign_code is the code from the campaign you want to get information about.

To get the code for a specific campaign, you should first list all campaigns and get the "code" attribute of the return.

Return example:

"can_impact": true

It is possible to create survey links directly through the API respecting the limitation of 500 customers per request.
  • The method used will be : POST
  • The URL used will be :
  • The JSON will be an array of customers as in the example below :

Request example:

    "customers": [
            "name": "Customer Name",
            "email": "Customer Email",
            "phone": "Customer Phone",
            "tags": [
                    "name": "Tag name",
                    "value": "Tag value"
                    "name": "Tag name",
                    "value": "Tag value"

Where Campaign_code is the code from the campaign you want to get information about.

To get the code for a specific campaign, you should first list all campaigns and get the "code" attribute of the return.

Return example:

    "customers": [
            "name": "Customer Name",
            "email": "Customer Email",
            "phone": "Customer Phone",
            "tags": [
                    "name": "Tag name",
                    "value": "Tag value"
                    "name": "Tag name",
                    "value": "Tag value"
            "survey_link": ""

Where Survey_hash is the alphanumeric identifier for that link.


The sendings can be performed in two different ways:

Scheduled dispatch:

  • The method used will be : POST
  • The URL used will be :

    Where Campaign_code is the campaign code you want to send to.

The existence of the variable schedule_time is optional.

So we have two options:

  • Insert variable "schedule_time":

  • This way you can use "schedule_time" to define when that sending will be performed, being defined as a "Uinx Timestamp" format in seconds. The body will look like this

    The following example shows the insertion with all variables, but there are cases where indentification, phone, and email variables can be omitted.

    Ex: If the campaign is trough SMS, it is not necessary to send the email, but it can still be sent. In campaigns via email the phone variable does not need to be sent, but if necessary, it is possible to send it.

    Sending both variables is indicated if you use campaign flow.

    Sending identification is recommended if you want to identify the customer by the same parameter of your company / platform

    Request example:

        "customers": [
                "identification": null,
                "phone": "Customers_phone",
                "tags" : [
                        "name" : "TagExample",
                        "value" : "TagExample"
                        "name" : "TagExample",
                        "value" : "TagExample"
        "schedule_time": Timestamp_in_seconds

    Application/json type

  • Do not insert the variable "schedule_time" :

  • This way should be used if your intention is to gather multiple sendings to a campaign, to do them at once at a later time. In this way, a batch code will be returned batchs, this code should be used in theBatch sendings.

    Request example:

        "customers": [
                "tags" : [
                        "name" : "TagExample",
                        "value" : "TagExample"
                        "name" : "TagExample",
                        "value" : "TagExample"

    Application/json type

    All subsequent sedings in the same campaign will return the same sedings batch until you send that batch.


Attributes Types Required Description
name String No Client name
email String Yes (for email sendings) Customer Email
phone String Yes (for SMS sendings) Customer phone
tags Array No Tag name
finish_time Integer No The survey finish date, in the unix timestamp format
tags Type Required Description
name String Yes Tag name
value String Yes Tag Value

Return example


Without schedule_time
    "msg":"Customers have been successfully added!",
    "status": {
    "campaign": {

Return example:

With schedule_time
    "msg":"Dispatch executed!",
    "status": {
    "campaign": {

You can also return an array with customers that were not entered, either because they were duplicates or because they were invalid.

To do this, you must pass the parameter getNotInserted with the value 1. So we will return as follows.

Return example:

    "msg":"Dispatch executed!",
    "status": {
    "campaign": {
    "duplicated_customers": [
                    "name":"customer name",
    "invalid_customers": [
                    "name":"customer name",
                    "reason":"Invalid or empty main channel"

Exemplos de código : Disparos

Type cURL

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'authorization: bearer TOKEN' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "customers": [
            "tags" : [
                    "name" : "TagExample",
                    "value" : "TagExample"
                    "name" : "TagExample",
                    "value" : "TagExample"
    "schedule_time": Timestamp_in_Seconds

Sending batch:

This batch should be sent using the following client Email settings

  • The method used will be: POST

  • The URL used will be:

The body must be filled with the time the submission should be done in seconds, in the timestamp format.
Set as 0 to dispatch immediately.

Request example:

    "time": Timestamp_in_seconds
Nome Type Required Description
time Integer Yes Time the send will be made, in seconds in the format timestamp. Use 0 to make an instant send

Return example:

    "msg":"Dispatch executed!",

Code samples : Batch sendings:

Type cURL

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'authorization: bearer TOKEN' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "time": Timestamp_in_Seconds

Insert Answers

We also provide a method of inserting responses. This method can be used with the following parameters.
  • The method will be:POST
  • The URL to use should be:
  • The body must be filled with the response batch using the following pattern

Request example:

    "campaign_code": "Campaign_code",
            "tags" : [
                    "name" : "TagExample",
                    "value" : "TagExample"


Parameter Type Required Description
campaign_code String Yes Target Campaign Key. Obtained by method List Campaign
answers Array Yes List of answers

answers Type Required Description
name String Yes Costumer name
email String Yes, if sending was done by email Customer Email
phone String Yes, if sending was done by phone Client phone
identification String No Unique customer identification used by your organization
score Integer Yes Score of the customer (between 0 to 10)
justification String No Customer review
create_time Integer No Date/hour of the answer in timestamp format (in seconds)
tags Type Required Description
name String Yes Tag name
value String Yes Tag Value

Return example:

    "msg":"Number_of_answers Answer inserted"
    "status": {


It is also possible to obtain an array with the customers that were inserted and the IDs of their respective answers when the request returns.

For this, you must pass the query parameter return_answer_id with the value 1.

So we return as follows:

Return example:

    "msg":"Number_of_answers Answer inserted"
    "status": {

    "answers": [ 
            "answer_id": Answer_id,
            "name": "Customers_name",
            "email": "Customers_email",
            "phone": Customers_phone,
            "identification": "Customers_identification"

Code samples : Insert answers

Type cURL

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'authorization: bearer TOKEN' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "campaign_code": "campaign_code",
            "tags" : [
                    "name" : "TagExample",
                    "value" : "TagExample"

Insert Multiple Answers

Method to insert multiple answers for a campaign. Responses are accepted for campaigns with questions of the following types: NPS, CSAT, Single Choice, Review, Open Question and Secondary NPS.
  • The method will be:POST
  • The URL to use should be:

The body must be filled with the response batch using the following pattern:

Request example:

    "campaign_code": "Campaign_code",
            "tags" : [
                    "name" : "TagExample",
                    "value" : "TagExample"


Parameter Type Required Description
campaign_code String Yes Target Campaign Key. Obtained by method List campaign
data Array Yes List of answers

data Type Required Description
name String Yes Costumer name
email String Yes, if sending was done by email Client Email
phone String Yes, if sending was done by phone Client phone
identification String No Unique customer identification used by your organization
create_time Integer No Date/hour of the answer in timestamp format (in seconds)
answers Array Yes List of answers to campaign questions. They must be in the same order defined in the campaign.
tags Array No Tags to add additional information to the client

answers Type Required Response Type Description
question_id Integer Yes NPS, CSAT, Review, Single Choice, Open Question, Secondary NPS Id of the question
score String|Integer Yes NPS, CSAT, Review, Secondary NPS Customer score
justification String No NPS, CSAT, Review, Secondary NPS Customer review
option String No Single Choice Option chosen by the customer. Optional only if the question is configured as optional.
comment String Yes Open Question Customer comment

tags Type Required Description
name String Yes Tag name
value String Yes Tag Value

Return example:

    "msg":"Number_of_answers Answer inserted",
    "status": {
    "answers": [ 
            "answer_id": Answer_id,
            "name": "Customers_name",
            "email": "Customers_email",
            "phone": Customers_phone,
            "identification": "Customers_identification"

Code samples: Insert Multiple Answers

The order of answers must be in the same order as the questions defined in the campaign. Otherwise, the answer will be considered invalid.

Type cURL

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'authorization: bearer TOKEN' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "campaign_code": "campaign_code",
    "data": [
            "name": "customers_name",
            "email": "customers_email",
            "phone": "customers_phoneemail",
            "identification": "customers_identification",
            "create_time": Timestamp_in_seconds,
            "answers": [
                    "question_id": 12345,
                    "score": 10,
                    "justification": "NPS example"
                    "question_id": 12345,
                    "score": 5,
                    "justification": "Review example"
                    "question_id": 12345,
                    "option": "Single Choice Question example"
                    "question_id": 12345,
                    "comment": "Open Question example"
                    "question_id": 12345,
                    "score": 10,
                    "justification": "Secondary NPS example"
                    "question_id": 12345,
                    "score": 5,
                    "justification": "CSAT example"
            "tags": [
                    "name": "TagExample",
                    "value": "TagExample"

Insert Internal Notes

We also provide a method of inserting additional comments, like a internal notes. This method can be used with the following parameters.
  • The method will be:POST
  • The URL to use should be:
  • The body must be filled with the response batch using the following pattern

Request example:

    "comment": "Comment_Text",
    "answer_id": Answer_ID


Parameter Type Required Description
comment String Yes Comment that will be inserted as a note
answer_id Integer No Answer Id, if it was not sent will must be used filter options below
filter Array No If Answer Id was not sent, Filter options must be passed using the following pattern

Request example:

    "comment": "Comment_Text",
    "filter": {
Filters Type Required Description
email String No, but at least one identification field is required to use filter options (e-mail or phone or identification) Customer Email
phone String No, but at least one identification field is required to use filter options (e-mail or phone or identification) Customer Phone
identification String No, but at least one identification field is required to use filter options (e-mail or phone or identification) Customer Identification
start_date Date No, but input date fields is required to use filter options Date must be used in YYYY-MM-DD format. Example: 2017-01-31
end_date Date No, but input date fields is required to use filter options Date must be used in YYYY-MM-DD format. Example: 2017-01-31
campaign_code String No, is an optional filter Campaign Code

Return example:


Fill Empty Tags

We provide a fill empty tags request method. This method can be used with the following parameters.
  • The method will be:POST
  • The URL to be used must be:
  • The body must be sent with the tags to be filled in the response, using the following pattern

Request example:

    "answer_id": Answer_ID,
    "tags": [
            "name": "Tag name",
            "value": "Tag value"
            "name": "Tag name",
            "value": "Tag value"


Parameters Type Required Description
answer_id Integer No Answer Id, if it was not sent will must be used customer options below
tags Array Yes Tag name
customer Array No If Answer Id was not sent, customer options must be passed using the following pattern:

Tags Type Required Description
name String Yes Name Tag
value String Yes Value Tag

Request example:

    "campaign_code": "Campaign_code",
    "customer": {
    "tags": [
            "name": "Tag name",
            "value": "Tag value"
            "name": "Tag name",
            "value": "Tag value"
Customer Type Required Description
email String No, but at least one identification field is required to use customer options (e-mail or phone or identification) Customer Email
phone String No, but at least one identification field is required to use customer options (e-mail or phone or identification) Customer Phone
identification String No, but at least one identification field is required to use customer options (e-mail or phone or identification) Customer Identification
campaign_code String No Code da campanha

Return example:

    "msg":"Request received successfully!"    

Search for draft lots

This method is responsible to get draft lots. This can be used with the following configuration

  • The method will be:GET
  • The URL to use should be:{code}/draft-lot

This method is responsible to get all draft lots of an specific campaign.

Where code is the campaign code that has the requested information.

Be sure that you are using parameter code.

Return example:

    "lot": [    
            "code": "Lot_code",    
            "create_time": "Create_Time",    
            "total_dispatches": "Total_dispatches",    

Discard draft lots

To discard draft lots we must use the following configuration

  • The method will be:POST
  • The URL to use should be:{code}/discard-lot/{lot_code}

This method is responsible to discard the specified draft lot.

Where lot_code is the lot code that you want to discard.

Be sure that you are using parameter lot_code.

Return example:

    "success": true

Reports is our method for reporting, it's responsible for showing details of all your campaigns or a campaign.

All API communication is made from the base URL

Where DETAILS should be replaced by the details you wish to obtain through the requisition

The method to be used will be the GET

    The header must be filled with the parameters where
  • Key Authorization
  • Value bearer TOKEN


The method to be used must be :GET

The URL to use should be :

Method responsible for returning customer comments.


Parameter Type Default Required Description
start Date By default we will show results 30 days prior to the date of the request
(Ex: If you are sending this request on 01/31/2017 and do not include the initial and final interval you want to do your search, the returned period will be from 01/01/2017 to 01/31/2017)
No Date can be used in YYYY-MM-DD format or by specifying the time in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss. Example: 2017-01-31T12:00:00
end Date By default we will show results 30 days prior to the date of the request
(Ex: If you are sending this request on 01/31/2017 and do not include the initial and final interval you want to do your search, the returned period will be from 01/01/2017 to 01/31/2017)
No Date can be used in YYYY-MM-DD format or by specifying the time in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss. Example: 2017-01-31T12:00:00
limit Integer By default it will show 10 comments per request. No Total comments to be returned. Use -1 to return all.
tags Boolean By default this is false, meaning no tags will be displayed. No Returns the tags related to the answers
justifReturn String By default we will show the format "level" No

Return format of justifications.

"array" -

Returns all in a single array.

"level" -

Returns JSON format with subfolders of grouped justifications.

codes String By default it will show comments for all campaigns No Used to show comments for a specific campaign, or comments for all campaigns. You can also show comments for more than one campaign at a time by using the comma as a separator (Ex: codes=52,51,50 will show the comments of the campaigns whose Campaign_code is 50, 51 e 52)
review Integer By default it is 0, that is, no comments are returned No Used to display notes and comments for Review questions.
nps_secondary Integer By default it is 0, that is, no comments are returned No Used to display notes and comments for other NPS questions in addition to the mandatory NPS question in every campaign.
open_question Integer By default it is 0, that is, no comments are returned No Used to display comments for Open Question questions.
csat Integer By default it is 0, that is, no comments are returned No Used to display comments for CSAT questions.
return_update_time Boolean By default is false No Returns the date of the last modification made to the opinion, such as changes in responsible party, status, or category.
excluded_opinions Boolean By default is false No Returns all archived opinions.

Return example:

        "time": 1454340407,
        "type": "Email",
        "name": "Customers_name",
        "email": "Customers_email",
        "identification": null,
        "phone": "Customers_phone",
        "alternative_email": "Customers_email",
        "alternative_phone": "Customers_phone",
        "nps_answer": Score,
        "last_nps_answer": Score,
        "nps_comment": Comment,
        "campaign_name": "Campaign_name",
        "campaign_code": "Campaign_code",
        "lot_code": "ABCDEFG123",
        "id": 6805511,
        "deadline": null,
        "elapsed_time": 17,
        "dispatch_time": null,
        "reminder_time": null,
        "status": "Status",
        "priority": "None",
        "assignee": "Assignee_name",
        "picture": null,
        "tags": [],
        "categories": [],
        "justifications": [],
        "review": [],
        "nps_secondary": [],
        "open_question": [],
        "csat": [],
        "update_time": 1454340407


The method to be used must be :GET

The URL to use should be:

Method responsible for returning the batchs and their data, such as inserted customers, the time it was performed, its status and the clients that were inserted into it.

Return example:

        "campaign": {
            "name": "Camapaign_name",
            "code": "Campaign_code"
        "dispatch_code": "Code_of_dispatch",
        "status": Status_of_dispatch,
        "create_time": "Campaign_creation_time",
        "customers": [
                "name": "Customers_name",
                "identification": null,
                "email": "Customers_email",
                "phone": "Customers_phone",
                "dispatch_time": "Code_of_dispatch",
                "status": "Status_of_dispatch",
                "has_answered": "Status_of_answer"
        "channel": "Channel_of_dispatch"


Parameter Type Default Required Description
start Date By default we will show results 30 days prior to the date of the request
(Ex: If you are sending this request on 01/31/2017 and do not include the initial and final interval you want to do your search, the returned period will be from 01/01/2017 to 01/31/2017)
No Date can be used in YYYY-MM-DD format or by specifying the time in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss. Example: 2017-01-31T12:00:00
end Date By default we will show results 30 days prior to the date of the request
(Ex: If you are sending this request on 01/31/2017 and do not include the initial and final interval you want to do your search, the returned period will be from 01/01/2017 to 01/31/2017)
No Date can be used in YYYY-MM-DD format or by specifying the time in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss. Example: 2017-01-31T12:00:00
codes String By default it will show comments for all campaigns No Used to show comments for a specific campaign, or comments for all campaigns. You can also show comments for more than one campaign at a time by using the comma as a separator. (Ex: codes=52,51,50 will show the comments of the campaigns whose Campaign_code is 50, 51 e 52)
channel Boolean By default it's false, that is, dispatches channels are not returned. No Used to return the channel of the dispatches. For example: Email, WhatsApp, SMS, etc.

Paged Dispatches

The method to be used must be :GET

The URL to use should be:

Method responsible for returning the batchs and their data, such as inserted customers, the time it was performed, its status and the clients that were inserted into it.

Is possible to return just a specific dispatch lot, you can do it using

  • URL:

When Dispatch_code is the code of dispatch lot that you want get informations.

Filtering by a specific dispatch code, parameters start and end will de desconsidered.

Return example:

    "code": "Response_code",
    "status": "Response_status",
                "code": "Campaign_code",
                "name": "Campaign_name"
                "create_time": "Campaign_creation_time",
                "dispatch_code": "Code_of_dispatch",
                "status": "Status_of_dispatch",
                "channel": "Channel_of_dispatch"
                "name": "Customers_name",
                "identification": null,
                "email": "Customers_email",
                "phone": "Customers_phone",
                "dispatch_time": "Code_of_dispatch",
                "status": "Status_of_dispatch",
                "has_answered": "Status_of_answer",
                "survey_opened": "Survey_opened"


Parameter Type Default Required Description
start Date By default we will show results 30 days prior to the date of the request
(Ex: If you are sending this request on 01/31/2017 and do not include the initial and final interval you want to do your search, the returned period will be from 01/01/2017 to 01/31/2017)
No Date can be used in YYYY-MM-DD format or by specifying the time in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss. Example: 2017-01-31T12:00:00
end Date By default we will show results 30 days prior to the date of the request
(Ex: If you are sending this request on 01/31/2017 and do not include the initial and final interval you want to do your search, the returned period will be from 01/01/2017 to 01/31/2017)
No Date can be used in YYYY-MM-DD format or by specifying the time in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss. Example: 2017-01-31T12:00:00
codes String By default it will show comments for all campaigns No Used to show comments for a specific campaign, or comments for all campaigns. You can also show comments for more than one campaign at a time by using the comma as a separator. (Ex: codes=52,51,50 will show the comments of the campaigns whose Campaign_code is 50, 51 e 52)
channel Boolean By default it's false, that is, dispatches channels are not returned. No Used to return the channel of the dispatches. For example: Email, WhatsApp, SMS, etc.
tags Boolean By default is false, so it does not return tags relating to dispatches. No Used to return tags referring to dispatches. For example: City, Department, Product, etc.
page Integer By default it is equal to 1, that is, it returns the first page of the dispatches. 1 Used to obtain a certain page from the dispatches.
limit Integer By default it is equal to 100, returns up to 100 records per page. 100 Used to control the number of records obtained on each page, which can vary from 100 to 10.000.


The method to be used must be : GET

The URL to use should be:

Method responsible for returning the number of submissions, the numbers of detractors, promoters and neutrals and their respective percentages and also the value of nps.


Parameter Type Default Required Description
start Date By default we will show results 30 days prior to the date of the request
(Ex: If you are sending this request on 01/31/2017 and do not include the initial and final interval you want to do your search, the returned period will be from 01/01/2017 to 01/31/2017)
No Initial date in yyyy-mm-dd format
end Date By default we will show results 30 days prior to the date of the request
(Ex: If you are sending this request on 01/31/2017 and do not include the initial and final interval you want to do your search, the returned period will be from 01/01/2017 to 01/31/2017)
No Final date in the format yyyy-mm-dd
compare Boolean By default is false No Returns the NPS data for the previous date filter period.
codes String By default it will show comments for all campaigns No Used to show comments for a specific campaign, or comments for all campaigns. You can also show comments for more than one campaign at a time by using the comma as a separator (Ex: codes=52,51,50 will show the comments of the campaigns whose Campaign_code is 50, 51 e 52)

Return example:

    "dispatches": Number_of_dispatches,
    "promoters": Number_of_promoter,
    "detractors": Number_of_detractors,
    "passives": Number_of_neutrals,
    "detractors_percentage": Percentage_of_detractors,
    "passives_percentage": Percentage_of_neutrals,
    "promoters_percentage": Percentage_of_promoters,
    "nps": Period_NPS,
    "compare": {
        "dispatches": Number_of_dispatches,
        "promoters": Number_of_promoter,
        "detractors": Number_of_detractors,
        "passives": Number_of_neutrals,
        "detractors_percentage": Percentage_of_detractors,
        "passives_percentage": Percentage_of_neutrals,
        "promoters_percentage": Percentage_of_promoters,
        "nps": Period_NPS,


The method to be used must be :GET

The URL to use should be:

Method responsible for returning campaign categories according to NPS.


Parameter Type Default Required Description
start Date By default we will show results 30 days prior to the date of the request
(Ex: If you are sending this request on 01/31/2017 and do not include the initial and final interval you want to do your search, the returned period will be from 01/01/2017 to 01/31/2017)
No Date can be used in YYYY-MM-DD format or by specifying the time in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss. Example: 2017-01-31T12:00:00
end Date By default we will show results 30 days prior to the date of the request
(Ex: If you are sending this request on 01/31/2017 and do not include the initial and final interval you want to do your search, the returned period will be from 01/01/2017 to 01/31/2017)
No Date can be used in YYYY-MM-DD format or by specifying the time in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss. Example: 2017-01-31T12:00:00
codes String By default it will show comments for all campaigns No Used to show comments for a specific campaign, or comments for all campaigns. You can also show comments for more than one campaign at a time by using the comma as a separator. (Ex: codes=52,51,50 will show the comments of the campaigns whose Campaign_code is 50, 51 e 52)

Return example:

        "id": 6805511,
        "name": "Product",
        "color": "#F8D347",
        "total": 25,
        "nps": Period_NPS,
        "total": total,


Get campaign status

The method to be used must be :GET

The URL to use should be:

Method responsible for returning campaign statuses.


Parameter Type Default Required Description
start Date By default we will show results 30 days prior to the date of the request
(Ex: If you are sending this request on 01/31/2017 and do not include the initial and final interval you want to do your search, the returned period will be from 01/01/2017 to 01/31/2017)
No Date can be used in YYYY-MM-DD format or by specifying the time in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss. Example: 2017-01-31T12:00:00
end Date By default we will show results 30 days prior to the date of the request
(Ex: If you are sending this request on 01/31/2017 and do not include the initial and final interval you want to do your search, the returned period will be from 01/01/2017 to 01/31/2017)
No Date can be used in YYYY-MM-DD format or by specifying the time in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss. Example: 2017-01-31T12:00:00
codes String By default it will show comments for all campaigns No Used to show comments for a specific campaign, or comments for all campaigns. You can also show comments for more than one campaign at a time by using the comma as a separator. (Ex: codes=52,51,50 will show the comments of the campaigns whose Campaign_code is 50, 51 e 52)

Return example:

        "id": 76,
        "name": "Pendente Cliente",
        "total": 25,
        "color": "#F8D347"

Code samples : Reports /DETAILS

Type cURL

curl -X GET \
  '' \
  -H 'authorization: bearer TOKEN' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache'